An Dynamic Voltage Regulator For HVDC System On Low Power DC Line With Series Active Power Filter And Reducing Repulsion To The Transmitting Station


  • Selvam. P
  • Boopathi. R


Voltage Regulator, HVDC System, Low Power DC Line


Harmonics in HVDC power systems, which are caused by highly non-linear devices, affect its
performance. Therefore, the main concern of power engineers in power system design and
operation have been controlling and eliminating such repulsion. In respect of this, HVDC
power system repulsion analysis is, therefore, imperative in power system planning, control
and operation. It is worthy of note that, different alternatives of filter design should be
considered before making final decision on filter Configuration. In this paper the reduction of
harmonics in the HVDC power transmission system by implementing the active power filter.
Also the power factor is increased drastically by reducing the current harmonics in the load
side. The solar PV output can be presented and analyzed with help of boost converter in
order to proof that the solar output voltage can be increased by the boost converter. The
series active power filter appears to be a viable solution for eliminating repulsion currents
and current transient condition. Shunt active power filter compensates current by injecting
equal voltage compensation is created by nonlinear loads.




