Solar Semiconductor Refrigerator


  • Krishna Kripa K
  • Nimi Elizabeth Johnson
  • Shruti Mathew


Peltier, semiconductor refrigerator, solar panel


A solar semiconductor refrigerator is presented in the paper. It does not make use of any
refrigerant, avoids the use of complex transmission pipes and other mechanical devices for its
operation which causes ozone layer depletion (due to release of CFC’s). It is a cost effective,
clean, environment friendly system. Cooling is achieved using peltier modules which operate
using peltier effect and photovoltaic effect. The effect creates a temperature difference by
transferring heat between two electrical junctions. Peltier module can be used for cooling as
well as heating. One side of the module gets cooled and the other side becomes hot, this heat
is removed to the environment using heat sink and fan. Our project mainly aims to provide
refrigeration system to the remote areas where power supply is not easily accessible, so we
are using solar panels for its operation.




