Smart Self Defense Security System for Women


  • Betty Reji
  • Sreekala K S
  • Anju Elsa Philip
  • Deepthi J
  • Jisha Mary Thoma


ATMEGA 2560, Bluetooth, self-defense, electric shock


Women all over the world are undergoing and are subjected to immoral physical persecution.
Security for women is always a major problem as the crimes and persecution over women
and girls is increasing day-by-day. They all need is a gadget that would be transmit easily.
This paper presents a self-defense security using smart phone and an embedded unit. This
idea is designed using ATmega2560 platform. The embedded unit and the smart phone are
linked by Bluetooth paring. On receiving the voice command by the developed app in the
smart phone, the GPS finds the person by locating out of latitude and longitude while GSM
sends this information and the present status of the person whose voice has been received to
the pre-specified mobile number and to the nearby police station. The voice command will
lead to the paring of the Bluetooth. One of the main function done by this security system is
the self-defense. This self-defense is generated by the electric shock providing circuit. The
electric shock providing circuit is a circuit which operates on the principle of a mosquito bat.
The shock providing circuit is switched ON and OFF based on the received voice command.
If the voice signal is high enough a moderate amount of voltage is given out, if low vice




