Maximum Connected Load Balancing Cover Tree Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network
MCLCT, simulated annealing, TCOV, NCONAbstract
In wireless sensor network the main problem is in the network lifetime, power transmission,
energy consumption, speed and bandwidth for transmitting the packets and another problem
is that the sink node can connect only with the limited nodes if more number of nodes is
connected means then there may be occurrence of traffic and the data information can be
eliminated. In order to overcome this problem maximum connected load balancing cover tree
(MCLCT) algorithm is used. In various studies it is observed that the MCLCT has more
network lifetime, power transmission and energy consumption when compared to the other
methods and also to solve the optimization problem simulated annealing algorithm is used to
transmit the data which form minimum movement in wireless sensor network and which can
achieve both target coverage (TCOV) and network connectivity (NCON).