Arduino Uno Based Wheelchair Control Using Bluetooth and Android Mobile


  • Jagadurti Mahendra
  • K Uma Maheswari
  • Shaik Munawar Basha
  • Puduru Rajanna
  • Kamalapuri Ravi
  • B Rangs


Arduino Micro-controller, Android Application, Bluetooth, DC Motors, Wheelchair


The main goal of this project is to design and construct a low-cost wheelchair control system that uses an Android phone. Patients with diverse physical limitations have relied on wheelchairs to assist them with movement and to meet their day-to-day prerequisites. However, in other circumstances, the mobility of a wheelchair is dependent on another person. It includes people who are unable to lift their arms or push the wheels forward, such as paraplegics, quadriplegics, stroke patients, the elderly, and others. Joystick-oriented wheelchairs, which are supposed to be a solution for these people, might cause a variety of issues since they demand fundamental shoulder mobility. For the categories described above of patients, this is not always practicable. Furthermore, because it is wireless and can be worn on either hand, this solution does not have the positioning restrictions that a joystick wheelchair could have, allowing the user to sit in their preferred posture for the least amount of pain. The goal of this initiative is to enable autonomous mobility for people with disabilities. Thus, this research study provides a Bluetooth-based wheelchair prototype that maybe operated by an Android smartphone application. A transmitter and a receiver that can communicate wirelessly makeup the framework. The 433 Mhz RF Transmitter and Receiver Unit was utilized for wireless transmission since it delivers data through an antenna at speeds ranging from 1Kbps to 10Kbps and has a range of up to 100 metres, The wheelchair's receiver unit receives signals from the transmitter unit through an Arduino Uno micro-controller, which causes the wheels to turn in the desired direction. Motor drivers that convert electricity as needed by the wheels makeupmakeup the reception unit. This technology offers an alternative to commercial wheelchairs since it is more effective, less expensive, and simpler to control.




