Life Cycle Analysis of Solar PV System: A Review
Conventional or non-conventional, Electromagnetic waves, Renewable or non-renewable, Sun radiates energy, Ultraviolet (UV)Abstract
The widespread usage of solar electricity is coming to the attention of more and more people as a result of the specific benefits that solar photovoltaic power generation brings. Due to the powerful natural environment that is formed by light all over the world, solar energy utilization has increased significantly in recent years. Although it only makes up a relatively small portion of all energy, solar photovoltaic energy's role will increase as society and technology develops. By the middle of the twenty-first century, analysts predict that solar photovoltaic power generation will account for the majority of the world's energy supply. We are going to enter a magnificent solar phase. Try them when larger dryers are needed for practical reasons. The economic analysis is often conducted to assess the many costs linked to the established system, such as the dryer's yearly cost, maintenance expenses, the price of dried goods per kilogram, and most crucially, the payback period. The primary metrics that demonstrate the proposed system's superiority to competing systems already in use are the drying cost of the product per kg and payback period. Few understand how difficult these problems actually are. A multitude of assumptions and factors, such as projections of PV production, shading, the time value of money, electric rate structures, operations and maintenance, insurance, taxes, and incentives, must be taken into account in order to get accurate payback estimates.