A Glance on Nano Enhanced Phase Change Material for Cold Chain Applications


  • Avesahemad S. N Husainy
  • Gajanan.V. Parishwad
  • Ashitosh N. More
  • Prathamesh R. Patil


Nano-PCM, COP, Properties, Parameters, Cold Chain


Currently India is facing power crisis and lack nearly 80,000 million units of electricity annually. In developing countries like India still the matter of power shortage or perhaps outage exists that positively affects the performance of refrigeration systems. Refrigeration system is among the most widely used household appliances and a great portion of energy is used by these systems. Due to power outage problems and frequently opening and closing a door of refrigeration unit, quality of food kept in the refrigeration system get hampered. And because of this saviour problem food cold chain get disturb. In this review paper attempts has been given on improving the refrigeration system performance by thermal storage with nanoparticles. The combination of Nano-Phase Change Material may maintain the quality of food for longer duration of time even though power outage exists. This review paper focuses on different phase change materials used for lower temperature application and as well as proper nanoparticles for lower temperature applications. The most common types of Phase Change Material used for lower temperature cold chain applications are organic, inorganic and eutectic. Although their high latent heat storage advantage, their low thermal property calls for the incorporation of nanomaterials. The main objective of this review is to study the cold chain performance during power outage, cooling time period, storage capacity and to maintain the constant cooling effect for longer duration during power cut off hours using Nano enhanced Phase Change Materials.




