Applications of Cooling Systems via Using Solar Thermal-Photovoltaic Panels: Literature Review
Cooling system, Review, Energy panel, SourcesAbstract
The review includes the applications of cooling systems using thermal-solar photovoltaic panels. The solar photovoltaic panels can provide energy for any type of cooling with electric energy, whether it is the type based on the air compressor or the adsorption types. Although the most popular applications in this field are those used for compressors, but it is the least efficient type of electric cooling. Photovoltaic panels have been considered as the most widely used solar cooling technology in the cooling of small commercial and residential projects (equivalent to less than 5 MWh). The real reason behind its use in such projects is still a matter of debate, except for the most common explanations are the constructive incentives, the lack of equipment of the appropriate size for residential projects in other types of cooling, the emergence of more efficient cooling devices, or the ease of installation of equipment compared to other types of cooling. Others used for solar energy (such as cooling radiators). It is very easy to halve the cooling and heating requirements of new buildings. This is often done without additional net costs because some of these costs are saved by the use of smaller cooling systems and many other advantages. An active solar cooling system uses solar thermal collectors to provide thermal energy to move or supply thermal coolers, which are usually absorption chillers. For example, the Sopogy thermal collector provides and supplies solar energy by concentrating the sun's rays on a collector tube and heating the heat transfer fluid and recycled inside the cooling system. Thermal energy produced from this system is used in combination with absorption chillers to provide a renewable source of industrial cooling.