Study Work on Hybrid Solar Air Conditioning
Compressor, Cooling coils, Evaporator, Solar air conditioner, ThermostatAbstract
This progress report covers many studies on hybrid solar air conditioners, as well as their important components and mechanisms. Some calculations have been done to see how much better the proposed solar air conditioner system is the increased desire for comfort in the thermal environment of living space in modern society has made owning an air conditioner at home and in public areas a necessity. Because the need for air conditioners has grown year after year and they consume a lot of electricity to function, a new solar-powered air conditioner system has been developed and created. Air conditioners absorb about half of the primary energy used in a building. The more energy or power required to run the air conditioner, the lower the temperature. The compressor consumes 60% of the electricity needed by the air conditioner, while the remaining 40% is used to operate other air conditioning components. As a result, lowering the compressor's electricity use may reduce the air conditioner's power consumption. This article describes a revolutionary air-conditioning system that uses solar collector thermal energy to support and boost refrigerant heating while minimising compressor workload. It focuses on a novel air conditioning system that incorporates a solar collector after the compressor in the air conditioning cycle. The experiments' collector is described, and an evacuated tube solar collector with R407 as the refrigerant is chosen. The experiment reveals that, when compared to typical air conditioners, the suggested design can reduce air conditioner power use by around 30%.