Experimental Analysis on Solar Water Heater with Corrugated Absorber for Enhanced Heat Transfer


  • Selvakumar P
  • Somasundaram P


Absorber plate, corrugated plate, performance enhancement, solar collector, water heater


Solar collectors play an important role in various domestic sectors. There are number of advancements popping out every day. We once had huge dooms to heat up water with the help of sun rays which are now replaced by flat plates with solar panels on it. But the flat plate collectors are not efficient enough to meet the demand. So, we analyzed the possible alternatives and came up with the most suitable method that one can rely on. This when installed instead of a flat plate solar collector will not only increase the efficiency but give much more advantage like low maintenance. This paper deals with the detailed experimental analysis carried out on corrugated plate solar water heater under practical conditions along with mathematical validation. The end result of the experimentation shows there is four percent increase in the overall efficiency of the solar water heater.




