SMS: Soil Monitoring System using IOT and ML
GSM module, light dependent resistor, raindrop sensorAbstract
Agriculture is one of the prominent fields in any country. As the population, entirely depend on the agriculture to live. Irrigation is very important in increasing the productivity and quality of the crops. The objective of irrigation is to provide maximum yield with optimized use of water. Water is not readily available for the farmers. They mainly depend on the monsoons for water. Irrigation is a method that solves the problem by supplying the water to soil only when needed so that water is readily available throughout the growth of the crop. The major goal of this work is to provide an embedded system to check the soil and environmental factors and in turn help reduce the burden on farmers. The soil monitoring system consists of a soil moisture sensor to check the soil water content and pump the water based on the crops need. Light dependent resistor is also used to check the light intensity. Raindrop sensor is necessary to check if there is a probability of rainfall. Temperature and humidity sensor are kept to check the temperature and suggest the farmers the crops that can be grown. A microcontroller is used to control all the sensor devices and a GSM module for communication purpose is used. The data obtained from the sensor is plotted as a graph using Thingspeak open source IOT platform. The analysis of the result is kept so that it can be used in prediction using ML algorithm for understanding which crop can be grown for the given temperature. The goal is to reduce human interference as much as possible and also conserve water.