A Recent Review on Novel Derivatives of Hydroxychloroquine


  • Aditi
  • Abhishek Soni
  • Pooja Devi


Hydroxychloroquine, Malaria, Nanoject, Nano-technological strategies, Red Blood cells


Malaria is an acute febrile disease that is caused due to the parasite infection, transmitted in humans by female anopheles mosquito bite. Malaria is one of the leading reasons of mortality worldwide, but early detection and quick acting treatment can fend off these unpleasant results. In Africa and some Asian countries, malaria is the most common disease, while in other developed countries it occurs due to import from endemic countries. As the 2nd century BC Chinese people used sweet sage-wort plant to cure malarial fever. Quinine began to be used as an anti-malarial drug much later. A worldwide fight in oppose to malaria began in 1955. Croatia became malaria free in 1964 and declared this year as malaria eradication year. The WHO (world health organization) runs malaria control programs on global level with a focus on primary health care, early detection, quick treatment and prevention. Now these days the load of malaria is lowered down than it was 10 years ago. Although the number of patients suffering from malaria have been increased in the world. The progress has fallen off but the targets of world health organizations are moving forward.

