Demographic Variables as Moderators between Workplace Affective Climate and Corporate Integrity: A study on Nigerian Fast Moving Consumer Goods Employees


  • Shukurat Moronke Bello


Affective climate, corporate integrity, Employees, Nigeria


This study attempts to examine the influence of demographic variables (age, gender, education level, job experience) on the effect of workplace affective climate (positive affect, negative affect) on corporate integrity. A priori proposition was made that affective climate could influence the level of integrity in corporate organizations. Data was collected from a sample of full-time
employees of the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) listed companies in Nigeria. Data was collected through a self administered questionnaire using the convenience sampling method. Drawing from Affective Event Theory (AET), four hypotheses were formulated to guide this study. The hypotheses were analyzed using the correlation coefficient. The results revealed that positive affectivity was moderately correlated with corporate integrity and negative affectivity has a low correlation with corporate integrity. Also, the moderating variables were not significantly correlated to the independent variables. In addition, the results show that the moderators (demographic variables) were highly correlated with one another. The
implications of these findings on corporate integrity management are discussed.

