Quality of Work Life with Reference to Selected Textile Industries in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra, India


  • Vinay R.Patil
  • Amol S.Ganpate


Employee-motivation, Job-Satisfaction, Absenteeism, Welfare conditions and safety measures


Quality of work life also refers to the favorableness or non-favorableness of a job environment for people. It is a generic phase that covers person’s feeling about every dimension of work including economic rewards and benefits, security, working conditions, organization and interpersonal relationship and its intrinsic meaning in a person’s life. The basic purpose of quality of work life is to develop work environment that are excellent for people as well as for production. It aims at healthier, more satisfied and, more productive employees and more efficient, adaptive and profitable organization. Working life is a process of work organizations which enables its members at all levels to actively participate in shaping the organization environment, methods and outcomes. Conceptual categories which together make up the quality of working life are adequate and fair compensation, safe and healthy conditions, immediate opportunity to use and develop human capacities, opportunity for continued growth and security, social integration in the work organization and the social relevance of work life. Quality of work life is a subset of the quality of life which contains the relationship between employees and their total working environment with human dimension.

