Research and Review: Human Resource and Labour Management 2024-09-25T14:48:18+0530 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>RRHRLM</strong> is a peer reviewed Biannual Journal which publishes articles that provide new insights aimed at stimulating future theory development and empirical research. This Journal welcomes Researchers, Academicians, Scholars and Professionals in the field of Human Resource and Labour Management to publish good quality work. The areas appropriate for RRHRLM include Industrial Relations, Strategic Human Resource Management, Labour Law and Labour Market Studies, Values and Conflicts in Organizations, Organizational Behaviour and Evaluating Human Resources, Management Theory and Practice and Developing Organizational Capabilities, Management of Change, HRM, MNCs and Grievance Handling, Human Resources Planning.</p> Impact of Perks on Employees Turnover 2024-09-25T14:20:11+0530 Muhammad Abdullah Idrees Ayesha Khan Muhammad Arsalan Khan Muhammad Bilal Raees Muniza Syed <p>The current is linking perks implement in an organization that can help in reduction of employee turnover. As the study is related to human resource many articles, journals and personal survey were conducted to different organizations plus to analysis perks in organization the study is also conducted in different cities of Pakistan as well so, it can clarify that in Pakistan are perks important or not. The examination configuration utilized as a part of this review was the quantitative approach, which permitted the specialist to utilize organized polls in gathering information. Around 213 respondents are collected for the research and with help of Regression Analysis the results appear that there is a negative relationship between perks and employee turnover as firms prefer benefits and different type of compensation to employees instead of such perks. High representative turnover rates may imperil endeavors to accomplish hierarchical targets. What's more, when an association loses a basic worker, the impacts on advancement, consistency in giving administration to clients and opportune conveyance of administrations to clients might be contrarily influenced.</p> 2021-07-20T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Research and Review: Human Resource and Labour Management Job Stress and Organizational Level Factors: Sri Lankan Experience 2024-09-25T14:41:37+0530 Nirmal Chathuranga R. M. R. P. Wijesooriya <p>Employee work happiness and performance are influenced by a number of factors, including stress. The purpose of this study is to look into the factors at the organizational level that influence audit trainees' stress levels. In addition, this research examines the effects of stress on audit trainees in Sri Lanka. The quantitative methodology inspired by deductivism was used to develop this study. The primary data was collected using a standardized questionnaire that was distributed to 138 audit trainees who are currently employed by audit companies in Sri Lanka. In the analysis, descriptive data analysis was used to analyze mean values, and hypothesis testing was done using multiple linear regression analysis. Administrative policies and strategies, as well as working environment, were identified as the key organizational elements that have a substantial impact on the stress of audit trainees during data analysis. The main disadvantages that the majority of responders are facing include dissatisfaction, lack of attention, forgetfulness, low self-esteem, and sleepiness. In the recommendations, it was primarily suggested that companies reduce the impact of recognized organizational-related job stressors, and that organizations assist audit trainees in managing greater levels of job stress.</p> 2021-11-27T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Research and Review: Human Resource and Labour Management A Study on Purchase Intention of Consumers towards Convenience Food Products: Cross-sectional study in Bhubaneswar City 2024-09-25T14:26:39+0530 Shantanu Raj Bidhu Bhusan Mishra <p>The present study aims to analyze the impact of health consciousness, natural content, food safety and product familiarity on purchase intention to consume convenience food through mediating variable attitude and the correlation among the constructs. The research frameworks developed for the study is based on theory of reason action. The study was conducted in Bhubaneswar city, and the data obtained from 375 household is analyzed through regression techniques and Pearson’s correlation with the help of analytical software SPSS (20). The result revealed that health consciousness, natural content, food safety and product familiarity has significant impact on purchase intention through intervening variable attitude. Another finding shows that positive and significant correlation existed between purchase intention and attitude, natural content, food safety and product familiarity.</p> 2021-08-04T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Research and Review: Human Resource and Labour Management Is the Human Side of Organizational Change Hard to Manage? -Implications for Dealing with Employee Resistance 2024-09-25T14:48:18+0530 Nishath Anjum Musa Kamrun Nahar Putul <p>Organizational change is inevitable in the modern era of business. Changes are implemented to improve organizational performances while remaining adaptive to the environmental context. Human is the central element to the successful adoption and implementation of change in any organization. Regarding human behavior, resistance to change is a common employee response as people are naturally wary of change. Resistance can have a negative impact on the sustainability and growth of the organization. However, everyone does not resist change, some also accept change. Thus, it is important to understand the employee responses to change and how to deal with the resistance to change. This paper is a narrative review of existing literature that provides valuable insights into human behavior related to organizational change. The article points out the causes of employee resistance more closely and suggests some measures to overcome the resistance. Therefore, the study provides implications for the change practitioners in developing successful strategies to address and deal with employee resistance to change.</p> 2021-12-17T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Research and Review: Human Resource and Labour Management Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene Fallacy in Measuring Levels of Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction 2024-09-25T14:34:33+0530 S. M. Ikhtiar Alam <p>Job satisfaction is an attitude that reflects the extent to which an individual is gratified by or fulfilled in his/her job. It is an<br>affective or emotional response toward various facets of one’s job. The meaning of job satisfaction implies that job satisfaction<br>is not a unitary concept. Rather a person can be relatively satisfied with one aspect or factor of his /her job and dissatisfied with<br>another aspect or factor. Hertzberg et al. (1959) developed the Motivation-Hygiene Theory in which they proposed that the opposite of satisfaction was not dissatisfaction. Because there are two separate facets of satisfaction and dissatisfaction: motivators and hygiene factors. In simple words, they proposed that a person who is 80% satisfied over his/her job is not 20% dissatisfied, because motivators and hygiene factors separately contribute to satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The present study uses the Lexicographic Model to measure the level of overall job satisfaction and overall level of job dissatisfaction including the<br>contribution of each motivating factor and hygiene factors of 300 female workers in different garments factories in Dhaka City<br>In a meaningful cardinal index instead of ordinal measurement. To apply the Lexicographic Model, the present study uses the mean score of relative importance (MSRI) method, developed by the present author in 1983, to identify the relative weights of each motivating and hygiene factor. The present study finds, contrary to Herzberg et al. that the opposite of satisfaction is indeed dissatisfaction. That is, if a person is 60% satisfied with his/her job, then s/he must be dissatisfied by 40%. We can call it “Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene Fallacy”.</p> 2021-10-28T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Research and Review: Human Resource and Labour Management