Enhanced Machine Learning Evaluation in Digital Marketing


  • Sahil M. Kargutkar
  • Omprakash L. Mandge


Algorithm, Customer, Digital marketing, Learning, Machine learning, Model, Pattern


An impending decision in front is often searched for a past presence for the purpose of gathering information from the data and to make a decision out of it. Machine Learning, a field which allows systems, a computer to be specific to make a fortunate prediction out of past information or experiences. Machine Learning being a phenomenon widely used throughout the technological advances, is constantly finding itself to be introduced to newer domains. Image processing, medical diagnosis, predictions, speech recognition and many more are among the applications of Machine Learning. Digital Marketing, too, emerges for the need and betterment with aid from the field of Machine Learning. Digital Marketing is a way of maintaining relationships with customers for your business through a way of an online medium.

Digital Marketing has made the lives of local businesses a lot easier as a target audience can be reached very easily with just a bare touch of technology. Earlier in the days, Traditional Marketing was the only way for the Businesses to promote their products and services which was done by magazines, newspapers, billboards and with the word of mouth, it was capable of doing the bare minimum publicity. Introduction of Digital marketing has paved a way to reach to a wider, broader and the exact specific target audience. Local businesses are flourishing due to the aid of this type of marketing and machine learning plays a huge role in it.




