Journal of Business Analytics and Data Visualization 2024-05-17T23:17:26+0530 Open Journal Systems <p>It is a peer-reviewed Journal which published original research/review articles related to the big data application, data analytics, visualization and management. The journal supports and provides tools to allow companies and organizations to make frequent, faster, smarter, data-driven, and real-time decisions. Focus and Scope of Journal includes Marketing Analytics, Data Application, Data Management, Financial Service Analytics, Data Visualization, Visual Communication, Business Analytics. </p> Income wise Consumer Behavior in Health Insurance Services in India 2023-11-23T19:31:04+0530 Monica Bhatia <p><strong>The post pandemic period has witnessed a rising awareness for health insurance policies. The health insurance sector in India has seen a substantial growth of 321%. There has also been an impact on income level of many people for the same reason. This study investigates the nuanced relationship between income levels and consumer behaviour in the context of health insurance services in India. It delves into the factors influencing the choices of individuals across different income groups, ranging from Low-Income Groups (LIG) to Middle-Income Groups (MIG) and High-Income Groups (HIG). Through comprehensive analysis of the survey, the research reveals that the distinct preferences and priorities of consumers in each income category. Key findings highlight that while hospitalization coverage is a common motivator across all income groups, tax benefits are especially significant for the middle-income segment. Additionally, mental peace was considered a significant factor for high-income segment. Coverage of hospitalization expenses was found to be significant across all income segments.</strong></p> 2023-11-23T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Business Analytics and Data Visualization A Study of the Influence of Social Media over Consumer’s Buying Behavior on Cosmetic Products – With Special Reference to Coimbatore City 2023-07-19T14:11:45+0530 S. Yesodha Nivedeta RP Nithya Shrii J Srinithi SR Sruthi R <p>In recent years, Social media has become an important platform for businesses to market their products and services and it is used by many industries for advertisement purposes in several ways. As social media is being used widely by people around the world, cosmetic businesses are implementing their marketing strategies in such a way that their products are advertised effectively and reach their target customers. This study aims to find out the influence of social media on consumer's buying behaviour on cosmetic products with special reference to Coimbatore City. The data for this study was collected with the help of a questionnaire and the data from 140 respondents was analysed with statistical tools such as percentage analysis and mean ranking method. The findings of this study reveal that social media has a significant impact on consumer buying behaviour for cosmetic products. This study also finds that the factors such as product reviews, celebrity endorsements, and influencer marketing have a significant impact on consumer buying behaviour towards cosmetic products. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the role of social media in shaping consumer buying behaviour for cosmetic products. The findings of this study can be useful for cosmetic companies in developing effective social media marketing strategies that could help to enhance their brand image, increase the interest of their customers towards their brand, and also accelerate their sales.</p> 2023-07-19T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Business Analytics and Data Visualization Analysis of E-Commerce Websites GCC using Data Science Approach 2023-09-25T16:27:12+0530 Majid Suhail Masoud Al Awaid Hisham Omar Alawi Muqaibal Tariq Awadh Faraj Al Huzaili Murtaza M. Junaid Farooque <p>Electronic commerce is the process of buying or selling goods or services using Internet technologies. With the growth of digital technologies like the internet, smartphones etc., it is expanded in GCC. The business website plays an important role in facilitating the business transition and attracting customers.</p> <p>Business analytics comprises of analysis of business data using Quantities, statistical analysis or data science-based approaches to solve business problems, while data visualization is a graphical representation of the analyzed data. The current research paper articles adopt a data science-based approach, using analytics and visualization to analyze the various e-commerce websites operating in the GCC region. For this purpose, 37 Companies from six different GCC countries having their online sales operations were selected. The information regarding these company websites was gathered from platforms like Similar Web, SEMrush, and Google Analytics industry reports, and publicly available data was collected and analyzed. The parameters like backlinks, website traffic, bounce rate, website speed, total visits, traffic duration, traffic per search, keyword rank search, security, authority scope, security scope, cross-selling and up-selling, etc. were collected from these resources.</p> <p>This analysis covers various aspects of e-commerce, including website characteristics. The significance of these metrics about user experience, website performance, security etc. was discussed. The strategies used for improving website performance, user experience, and SEO. The finding emphasizes the importance of optimizing website features and implementing measures to enhance security.</p> 2023-09-25T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Business Analytics and Data Visualization