Application of Reinforcement Learning and Predictive Modeling for Smart Energy


  • Manas Kumar Yogi
  • Yamuna Mundru


Deep Q-Networks (DQN), Predictive, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), Reinforcement Learning, Smart Energy


The pursuit of smart energy solutions has
become paramount in addressing global
energy challenges, sustainability, and
efficiency. This research paper explores the
application of Reinforcement Learning (RL)
and Predictive Modeling in the domain of
Smart Energy. Smart Energy encompasses a
diverse range of systems, including smart
grids, smart buildings, and renewable energy
integration, where advanced data-driven
techniques are indispensable. The paper
begins by reviewing relevant literature on
smart energy and the capabilities of RL and
predictive modeling in energy management. It
provides a comprehensive understanding of
the challenges and opportunities presented by
smart energy systems. Reinforcement
Learning is investigated as a powerful tool for
optimizing energy consumption, enhancing
grid management, and enabling demand
response mechanisms. Various RL
algorithms, including Q-learning, Deep QNetworks (DQN), and Proximal Policy
Optimization (PPO), are discussed in the
context of their applications within smart
energy. Predictive Modeling is examined as a
vital component for forecasting energy
demand, renewable energy generation, and
energy prices. The paper delves into different
predictive modeling techniques such as time
series forecasting, regression models, and
neural networks, showcasing their relevance
and effectiveness in the energy domain.
Furthermore, the paper explores the
integration of RL and Predictive Modeling,
emphasizing the synergistic benefits derived
from their combined application. It suggests
future research directions and enhancements
to further advance the field. In conclusion, the
application of Reinforcement Learning and
Predictive Modeling emerges as a critical
approach to addressing the complex energy
management requirements of smart energy
systems. The findings of this research have
profound implications for energy
stakeholders, policymakers, and consumers,
paving the way for enhanced sustainability,
cost savings, and reduced environmental
impact in the evolving landscape of smart




