Effectiveness of STP on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Premarital Counselling Among Degree Students
Planned teaching program, Knowledge, Attitude, Degree students, Premarital counselingAbstract
Marriage preparation periods or workshops are an alternative way or supplementary methodology to educating engaged couples and newlyweds in the aids, habits, attitudes, and enrichment techniques that research shows lead to happy, long-term and enduring marriages. Such marriage preparation programs are called education and not therapy. The study involved singed group pre-test without a control group using pre-experimental design, with non probability purposive sampling. Knowledge questionnaire was administered to 40 students. Pre-test was conducted on first day then the structured teaching proramme was given in a classroom. Post-test was conducted after seven days using the same questionnaire. The results were described by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The collected data was analyses by descriptive and inferential statistics. The overall pre-test mean knowledge score was 32.81% followed by post-test 71.75% with mean enhancement of knowledge core of 35.5 % which is statistically significant. The paired ‘t’ test was computed and it was 11.57%which higher than table value and is significant at 5% and the overall pretest mean attitude score was 51.75% followed by post-test 71% with mean enhancement of attitude score was 23.125 which was statistically significant. The paired‘t’ test was computed and it was which is higher than the table value and is significant at 5% level. Planned teaching programme was effective in increasing in knowledge and favorable attitude on premarital counseling. There was a significant association between knowledge scores with demographic variables like marital status and occupation of mother at 5% level and there was a non significant association between attitude scores with Age, Gender, and type of family and father’s occupation, mother occupation, place of residence, source of information, and marital status at 5% level. The findings of the study showed that there was a deficit in knowledge and attitude regarding premarital counseling. The Structured Teaching Programme was effective in improving the knowledge regarding premarital counseling.