Informed Consent in Medical Decision Making In India
Medical consent, Indian medical ethicsAbstract
Consent is one of the key elements for protection of welfare of patients or research participants. The physician has a legal and ethical responsibility to provide adequate information to the patient so that he or she is able to process the information and make appropriate decisions. The patient’s consent must be voluntary and competent. In order to meet the requirements for effective, informed decision making, a physician must disclose material facts, which are relevant to decision making, including the patient’s diagnosis, proposed treatment, risks and benefits of the treatment, alternative treatments along with their risks and benefits, and the risks of refusal. A physician must answer truthfully about the number of similar procedures or cases performed, and disclose success rates, and any financial conflict(s) of interest. The physician must advise patients of all personnel involved in their care and their respective roles, including residents, students, and equipment representatives.