Sensors and Bluetooth Based Home Automation
Android App, Bluetooth Technology,Micro controller AT89S52Abstract
Today’s present trend is towards making houses smarter. This is done in order to stop the
wastage of electrical energy, as the devices are programmed to switch on and off only when
required. For some, smart house is only to provide luxury and comfort in life, while for some
it is need, such as elders and disabled. Elders and disabled ones find it difficult to go to the
switch boards and control the appliances, so they require a system which can reduce their
efforts. This paper presents the way to automate home with the help of Bluetooth technology
through app developed for android using MIT APP INVENTOR which can help elders and
disabled ones to simply control the appliances using their phones without going to the switch
board. The system which is discussed in this paper also includes another mode which is fully
automated mode that means it does not require any human intervin. In this mode, the central
controller interfaced with the sensors, collects data from sensors and based upon that data it
makes its own decisions to control the appliances. AT89S52 is used as a central controller.
In the experiments it is found that system implemented using AT89S52 is reliable and cost
worthy. Results showed that app is easily interfaced with the system and it is working as