An Investigative Study of IoT Forensics Mechanisms


  • Yamuna Mundru
  • Manas Kumar Yogi


Attack, Cyber, IoT Forensics, Risk, Security


The rapid proliferation of Internet of Things
(IoT) devices has revolutionized the way we
interact with the digital world, introducing
unprecedented convenience and efficiency.
However, this transformation has also given
rise to novel cybersecurity threats and
challenges. In this context, IoT forensics
emerges as a critical field dedicated to the
investigation, analysis, and preservation of
digital evidence from IoT devices, networks,
and systems. This research study presents an
investigative exploration of IoT forensics
methods to address the unique challenges
posed by the ever-expanding IoT landscape.
This investigation delves into the diverse and
heterogeneous nature of IoT devices,
communication protocols, and data types. It
evaluates the mechanisms employed in
collecting, preserving, and analyzing digital
evidence from IoT ecosystems, emphasizing
the need for standardization and scalability.
Real-time forensics, edge computing, and the
integration of artificial intelligence are
examined in the context of their benefits and
limitations for IoT forensic investigations.
Furthermore, it highlights the evolving role of
open-source tools and cloud-based forensics
in this emerging field. As IoT continues to
expand its influence across various industries,
understanding and advancing IoT forensics
methods is essential to secure these
interconnected systems, protect data privacy,
and uphold the rule of law in the digital age




