of Cyber Security, Privacy Issues and Challenges (e-ISSN: 2583-7656)2023-12-20T12:21:09+0530Open Journal Systems<p><strong>JCSPIC</strong> is a peer reviewed journal in the discipline of Computer Science published by the MAT Journals Pvt. Ltd. It is a print and e-journal focused towards the rapid publication of fundamental research papers on all areas of Cyber Security, Privacy Issues and Challenges. The Journal aims to promote high quality empirical Research, Review articles, case studies and short communications mainly focused on Cyber Security, Information Technology Security, Network Security, Communication Securtiy, Device, Data Security, Cyber Attacks, Data Privacy Issue, Safe Browsing, Spying, Snooping, Viruses, Information Mishandling, Cyber Crime, Access Control and Encryption.</p> Review of Cyber Vulnerability Assessment Methods2023-11-09T14:08:15+0530Manas Kumar<p>In an era defined by the ubiquity of digital <br>technologies, the assessment of cyber <br>vulnerabilities has become a cornerstone of <br>modern cybersecurity. This paper offers a <br>comprehensive review of cyber vulnerability <br>assessment methods, emphasizing the <br>importance of method selection and <br>recognizing their significance in safeguarding <br>digital assets and critical infrastructure. The <br>paper begins by elucidating the fundamental <br>concepts of cyber vulnerability assessment, <br>tracing its historical development, and <br>addressing the key challenges faced by <br>practitioners. A structured framework is <br>employed to categorize assessment methods <br>into network-based, host-based, and <br>application-based approaches. These methods <br>are meticulously analyzed, highlighting their <br>respective strengths and weaknesses, and <br>their real-world applications are exemplified <br>through case studies. Moreover, this review <br>identifies emerging trends and approaches <br>within the realm of vulnerability assessment, <br>from the integration of artificial intelligence <br>and threat intelligence feeds to the need for <br>continuous monitoring. The discussion <br>culminates in a reflection on the practical <br>implications of the comparative analysis, <br>emphasizing the critical importance of <br>selecting the right assessment method in the <br>context of cybersecurity. The paper concludes <br>with a series of thoughtful recommendations <br>for both practitioners and researchers, <br>fostering a deeper understanding of the <br>dynamic field of cyber vulnerability <br>assessment and its ever-evolving role in the <br>preservation of digital integrity and security.</p>2023-11-09T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Cyber Security, Privacy Issues and Challenges (e-ISSN: 2583-7656) Learning Approach Based on Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique and Isolation Forest for Insider Threat Detection2023-11-29T11:34:15+0530Adeleke, Nafisa, Suleiman Adebayo<p>Detecting insider threats is challenging due to<br>insiders' deep familiarity with networks and<br>security protocols, allowing them to bypass<br>traditional security measures. While various<br>methods combat insider threats, creating<br>effective detection systems remains difficult.<br>Research advocates using Machine Learning<br>(ML) techniques, but handling imbalanced<br>datasets reduces accuracy. To tackle this, this<br>paper presents "SMOTE-IForest," merging<br>SMOTE and IForest for insider threat<br>detection. Testing on the CERT r6.2 dataset<br>achieved 80.0% accuracy in detecting user<br>behaviour. Additionally, it reached a 63.4%<br>detection rate with a 67.0% false positive rate,<br>boasting a high AUC of 96.0%, 93.30%<br>precision, and 88.80% f-measure. This model<br>addresses accuracy, detection, and false<br>positive rate issues. SMOTE improves dataset<br>balance by creating synthetic samples from<br>the minority class, enhancing classification<br>accuracy. IForest isolates anomalies,<br>efficiently handling high-dimensional data<br>without complex tuning, ideal for insider<br>threat detection. The "SMOTE-IForest"<br>model significantly strengthens insider threat<br>detection systems by overcoming dataset<br>imbalance and enhancing accuracy. Its<br>precision and f-measure distinguish between<br>normal and anomalous behaviour, aiding in<br>addressing setbacks associated with existing<br>studies' accuracy, detection, and false positive<br>rates.</p>2023-11-29T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Cyber Security, Privacy Issues and Challenges (e-ISSN: 2583-7656) Investigative Study of IoT Forensics Mechanisms2023-12-02T11:29:01+0530Yamuna Mundruyamuna.lakkamsani@gmail.comManas Kumar<p>The rapid proliferation of Internet of Things<br>(IoT) devices has revolutionized the way we<br>interact with the digital world, introducing<br>unprecedented convenience and efficiency.<br>However, this transformation has also given<br>rise to novel cybersecurity threats and<br>challenges. In this context, IoT forensics<br>emerges as a critical field dedicated to the<br>investigation, analysis, and preservation of<br>digital evidence from IoT devices, networks,<br>and systems. This research study presents an<br>investigative exploration of IoT forensics<br>methods to address the unique challenges<br>posed by the ever-expanding IoT landscape.<br>This investigation delves into the diverse and<br>heterogeneous nature of IoT devices,<br>communication protocols, and data types. It<br>evaluates the mechanisms employed in<br>collecting, preserving, and analyzing digital<br>evidence from IoT ecosystems, emphasizing<br>the need for standardization and scalability.<br>Real-time forensics, edge computing, and the<br>integration of artificial intelligence are<br>examined in the context of their benefits and<br>limitations for IoT forensic investigations.<br>Furthermore, it highlights the evolving role of<br>open-source tools and cloud-based forensics<br>in this emerging field. As IoT continues to<br>expand its influence across various industries,<br>understanding and advancing IoT forensics<br>methods is essential to secure these<br>interconnected systems, protect data privacy,<br>and uphold the rule of law in the digital age</p>2023-12-02T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Cyber Security, Privacy Issues and Challenges (e-ISSN: 2583-7656) Measures to Mitigate Ransomware Attacks2023-12-05T15:43:43+0530Rupal Choudharyrupal15032001@gmail.comShivam<p>Ransomware attacks are one of the key <br>contributors to the overall threat to the IT <br>industry, the focus of this research is to <br>outline key approaches hackers use via <br>ransomware and how companies and <br>individuals can protect themselves from it. <br>Ransomware attacks have developed as a <br>widespread and major cybersecurity threat, <br>causing significant financial losses and data <br>breaches across a wide range of sectors. This <br>research report offers a comprehensive <br>examination of ransomware attacks, their <br>evolution, and the strategies employed by <br>cybercriminals. The study also delves into <br>effective countermeasures and preventive <br>measures that organizations can adopt to <br>safeguard their systems and data.<br>Ransomware is a type of software that is <br>aimed to prevent a user or organisation from <br>accessing files on their computer. Cyber <br>attackers place organisations in a position <br>where paying the ransom is the easiest and <br>cheapest option to recover access to their files <br>by encrypting these files and demanding a <br>ransom payment for the decryption key. <br>Some variants have introduced more <br>functionality, such as data theft, to provide <br>additional motivation for ransomware victims <br>to pay the ransom. Ransomware has fast <br>become the most apparent and popular sort <br>of malware. Recent ransomware attacks have <br>hampered hospitals' capacity to offer critical <br>services, paralyzed city public systems, and <br>caused severe damage to a variety of <br>organisations</p>2023-12-05T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Cyber Security, Privacy Issues and Challenges (e-ISSN: 2583-7656) Spam in Email using Cyber Security2023-12-20T12:21:09+0530Abhijeetpandeyabhijeetpandey669@gmail.comVinay Kumar<p>Due to its cost-effectiveness and efficiency, <br>email is being used more often for everyday <br>commercial transactions and general <br>communication, which leaves it open to <br>assaults like spamming. Junk emails, often <br>known as spam emails, are unwanted <br>communications that are almost similar and <br>are sent at random to several recipients. <br>Bayesian Logistic Regression, Hidden Naïve <br>Bayes, Radial Basis Function (RBF) Network, <br>Voted Perceptron, Lazy Bayesian Rule, Logit <br>Boost, Rotation Forest, NNge, Logistic Model <br>Tree, REP Tree, Naïve Bayes, Multilayer <br>Perceptron, Random Tree, and J48 are <br>among the classification algorithms whose <br>performance is examined in this study. Using <br>the WEKA data mining tool, the algorithms' <br>performance was evaluated in terms of <br>Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F-Measure, Root <br>Mean Squared Error, Receiver Operator <br>Characteristics Area, and Root Relative <br>Squared Error. There was no use of feature <br>selection or performance-boosting techniques <br>to provide a fair assessment of the <br>classification algorithms' performance. <br>According to the research, there are several <br>classification algorithms that, when <br>thoroughly investigated using feature <br>selection techniques, can produce email <br>classification results that are more accurate. <br>The classifier with the greatest accuracy, <br>Rotation Forest, is determined to be 94.2%. <br>While no algorithm was able to sort spam <br>emails with 100% accuracy. Rotation Forest <br>came closest to producing the most accurate <br>result</p>2023-12-20T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Cyber Security, Privacy Issues and Challenges (e-ISSN: 2583-7656)