GPS* (GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM) functionality : Review


  • Bhupendra Kumar
  • Anupam sinha


Operational Control Segment (OCS), Space Vehicle Number (SVN), Joint Program Office (JPO)


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based radio navigation framework that
gives dependable situating, route, and timing administrations to non military personnel
clients on a consistent overall premise - uninhibitedly accessible to all. GPS gives
uncommonly coded satellite flags that can be handled in a GPS beneficiary, empowering the
collector to register position, speed and time. Fundamentally GPS works by utilizing four
GPS satellite signs to figure positions in three measurements (and the time balance) in the
beneficiary clock. GPS gives exact area and time data for a boundless number of individuals
in all climate, day and night, anyplace in the world. Any individual who needs to monitor
where he or she is, to discover his or her way to a predefined area, or comprehend what
heading and how quick he or she is going can use the advantages of the worldwide situating
framework. Regular exercises, for example, managing an account, cellular telephone
operations, and even the control of force lattices, are encouraged by the precise planning
gave by GPS.




