Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing <p>This academic journal is peer reviewed and provides scope in integrated marketing such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations. Digital marketing involve the marketing of product through digital channel like social media. Focus and Scope includes Integrated Marketing, ATL (Above the line) Advertising, Marketing Communication, Marketing Technologies, Digital Marketing, Strategic Communications.</p> en-US Thu, 01 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0530 OJS 60 Relationship Marketing: Strategies and Tools- h-CRM - A Hierarchy <p>This paper reviews the evolution of relationship marketing as the most important strategic concept for today’s business success. It is seen as a separate entity focused on customers, sharply contrasting traditional marketing where product and production are often considered a top priority. It is argued that customer needs and expectations are not considered sufficiently in traditional marketing approach. Understanding and retaining customers is the fundamental source of business success. In this era of information technology revolution, customer relationship management is seen as the primary strategic tool for consolidation of these relationships along with some other technology tools. It has been specifically mentioned that effective usage of technology is important for proper management of relationships. However human element is the most important factor in this relationship which has been emphasized here with special reference to both customers and employees. Lastly the model showing amalgamation of technology and human resource is portrayed as the key to the sustenance of this relationship. Long term customer loyalty is considered the desired end product of these relationships which leads to ultimate prosperity and success of any business.</p> Thimmaiah Bayavanda Chinnappa Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing Thu, 16 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0530 A Study on Effectiveness of Online Learning System during Covid-19 <p>The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is known to be the worst pandemic on the world which has not only affected human race very harshly but also frozen all areas of life on the sphere. The pandemic caused the largest disorder in the field of education across the world. The standard system of education has been disrupted resulting in the shutdown of all educational institutions around the world. The exams were carrying over which made the students more concerned about their educational achievements. The educationalist around the world thought about some good option for this problem and later considered online learning as the best substitute for common learning at educational institutes. The current study was carried out to point up the effectiveness of online learning system during the wave of COVID – 19. The overall findings disclose that the online learning was well organized system of learning to satisfy the educational needs of students at far away locations. In conclusion, it keeps up the effectiveness of online learning system during COVID-19.</p> M. A. Monika, T. Sukirtha Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing Thu, 28 Oct 2021 00:00:00 +0530 Male Consumers and their Decision Making Styles- A Critical Literature Review <p>This paper intends to explore how male consumers make their buying decision-making. It encapsulates a review of past researches that have been undertaken over so many years in this field. It connotes an answer that male shoppers are more utilitarian, instrumental shoppers looking for functional benefits of products. Though past researches somehow project male consumers to be less involved in shopping, less recreational, less information-seeking and less impulsive, yet they are reported to be highly time-energy conserving, brand conscious and also quality seekers. There are mixed findings regarding the decision-making styles of novelty fashion consciousness, confusion due to over choice, brand loyalty and value for money consciousness. This study is an important piece of information for retailers who face dilemma about the choice of strategy to be adopted while targeting male shoppers in the complex retailing scenario.</p> Adyasha Suvadarshini, Bidhu Bhusan Mishra Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing Sun, 08 Aug 2021 00:00:00 +0530 Making of Effective TV Advertisements: The ADVAL Model <p>A TV Advertisement may be popular, but may not be effective at all. It is, thus, important to distinguish between a popular Advertisement and an effective Advertisement. An Advertisement that achieves its both short-term and long-term goals is effective. On the other hand, an Advertisement that can attract the attention of its target audience (as well as the non-target audience) for various reasons (such as its entertainment value and/or curiosity value) but fails to induce consumers to buy the product for which the Advertisement is made may be popular but not effective. Then, what is an effective Advertisement? What makes an Advertisement effective? Before addressing these two questions, it is important to mention here that a popular TV Advertisement may or may not be effective, but an effective Advertisement, in its true sense, is popular with its target audience. In other words, effectiveness can serve as a necessary condition for popularity, but popularity cannot always serve as a sufficient condition for ensuring effectiveness. To be effective, as well as popular, a TV Advertisement must have certain necessary characteristics or “Values of an Advertisement”. If an Advertisement does not have just one of these values, other values may not be able to make the Advertisement effective. Thus, every characteristics of a TV Ad must have a minimum of each dimension. This minimum level is called the “cut-off point” of each of the characteristics. If one characteristic falls below the cut-off point, the Ad is very likely (but not always true in some dimensions) to be unsuccessful. The main purpose of the present study is to identify all required values of a TV Ad that together can make the Ad effective. These values can be called ADVALS. After a rigorous survey of market mavens and customers identified seven distinct values of a TV Ad that will lead to the ultimate destination. The proposed model can be called the ADVAL Model of effective TV Advertisement”. The present study further shows how the proposed model can be applied to real-life TV Ads to measure their effectiveness.</p> S. M. Ikhtiar Alam Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing Wed, 24 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0530 Constructing Marketing Channel Conflict Index (MCCI): A Complete Model <p>In marketing channels, there are primary members as well as specialized channel members. Conflict over different issues among these members is a common thing. To manage the conflicts, it is important to know the intensity of these channel conflicts. However, in literature, there is no such model that can help channel management to understand the degree in the intensity of channel conflict. Some academics and practitioners use the "channel audit" to identify channel conflict. A channel audit is a tool that can be used by an organization to take stock of each channel currently moving messaging through the organization. By definition, the channel audit cannot identify channel conflict or measure the intensity of the conflict. The present paper proposes a complete model to measure the degree of marketing channel conflict, step by step. Based on the calculated intensity of conflict, channel managers will be able to take necessary steps, if required, to increase the channel efficiency. The proposed model is explained with a numerical example for easy understanding of the model.</p> S. M. Ikhtiar Alam Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Marketing Tue, 05 Oct 2021 00:00:00 +0530