of Nursing Science Practice, Research and Advancements (e-ISSN: 2582-7847)2024-07-08T14:41:46+0530Open Journal Systems<p>Journal of Nursing Science Practice, Research and Advancements is concerned in all aspects of nursing sciences, especially new trends and advances. It is a peer reviewed journal that publishes original scholarly work that advances the international understanding and development of nursing, both as a profession and as an academic discipline. Manuscripts of nursing practice, education, management, and research are encouraged. Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields: Nursing administration and Management, Nursing Theory and Practice, Nurse Education, Geriatric Nursing, Palliative Nursing, Assessment and Diagnosis, Community Health Nursing, Home Health Nursing, Forensic Nursing, Nursing Informatics, Telenursing, Preoperative Nursing, Intellectual Disability Nursing.</p> of Blood Group in Domestic Animals2024-07-08T13:52:56+0530S.<p>Although animals have blood group. Each animal have different blood group. In comparison with human blood as human beings have RH positive and RH negative. In cats there is Presence or absence of Mik factor. Each domestic animal has different blood groups. This paper discusses about the major blood groups found in domestic animals.</p>2019-01-29T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nursing Science Practice, Research and Advancements (e-ISSN: 2582-7847) Vascular Accident (CVA)-A Medical Case Study2024-07-08T14:04:08+0530Sophia.<p>Objectives: To perform a health assessment, identify the nursing needs and prevent complication, formulate nursing diagnosis, provide comprehensive nursing care, learn about cerebro vascular accident and its management teach family members and patients in detail about follow-up care. Methods of collection: case sheet, wife. Sample: MICU. Setting: Government Rajaji hospital, Madurai. Conclusion: By this care study, I got an opportunity to provide comprehensive nursing care to my client who had cerebrovascular accident. It is of paramount importance for the nurses to become competent in providing nursing care for the patients with these problems.</p>2019-02-25T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nursing Science Practice, Research and Advancements (e-ISSN: 2582-7847) & Knowledge on Practice of Nurses on Health Economics2024-07-08T14:14:49+0530Prof. Dr Manjubala Dashmanju_narayan@rediffmail.comProf. Dr. A. Felicia<p>Healthcare cost is rising worldwide, leads to burden to the health system and overall population globally. Nurses, as the single largest profession in the health workforce, play a pivotal role in cost savings and in contributing to the financial stability of hospitals. Objectives: to assess knowledge and knowledge on practice of nurses on health economics. Methodology: A total of 30 nurses who worked in various hospitals were selected for this descriptive study, and data were gathered through questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. Result and Findings: A total of 8o% (n = 24) of nurses did not have a good knowledge of health economics. The overall mean score for economic awareness was 4.9 ± 2.1, and for economic performance was 22.2 ± 4. There was a significant relationship between the economic awareness and performance of nurses, and nurses in higher positions and years of experience had a greater knowledge of health economics. Conclusions: Considering the inadequacy of the health economics knowledge and knowledge on practice of nurses, it is essential that efforts are made to enhance their knowledge and behaviour with regard to economic issues and cost saving in all the fields of nursing, through the use of continuing education courses and workshops. Dissemination of nursing research on the value and cost effectiveness of nursing is a vital component of advocacy and influencing health policy.</p>2019-03-21T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nursing Science Practice, Research and Advancements (e-ISSN: 2582-7847) of Nurse in Diabetes: A Review2024-07-08T14:26:10+0530Mr. Vijayaraddi<p>This article mainly focuses on the vital role of the Nurse in the care and management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The author is a PhD scholar in nursing in India. The author draws upon experiences within the India as Postgraduate nurse and also PG Certificate in Diabetes Education. Our country had 49% of the world’s diabetes burden, i.e. 72 million cases in 2017 and expected to double to 134 million approximately by 2025. The article considers how the nurse’s role can help to be achieve/lead normal life. There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2.</p>2019-04-15T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nursing Science Practice, Research and Advancements (e-ISSN: 2582-7847) The Knowledge on Tuberculosis Among People Living in Rural Area2024-07-08T14:41:46+0530Dr. G. Bhuvaneswaribhuvana.prabha1981@gmail.comMs. M.Uma<p>Tuberculosis remains a worldwide public health problem. India is the highest TB burden country with World Health Organization (WHO) statistics for 2011 giving an estimated incidence figure of 2.2 million cases of TB in India out of a global incidence of 9.6 million cases. The aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge regarding tuberculosis among the people living in selected rural area Non-experimental descriptive study was chosen to conduct a study with 100 samples at Mathur village. The structured questionnaire was developed to assess the basic knowledge about pulmonary tuberculosis. The questionnaire included demographic data, level of education, source and level of knowledge using 25 multiple choice questions focused on basic facts about pulmonary tuberculosis. The data were analyzed by descriptive and Inferential statistics. The Results: Shows that 65 (65%) had inadequate knowledge, 31 (31%) had Moderate knowledge, 4 (4%) had, an adequate knowledge regarding tuberculosis. P values of less than 0.05 was considered as significant. The overall knowledge towards TB among the general population was measured as low. Conclusion: The study was suggested, It is important to create an awareness among people about tuberculosis by creating an awareness helps in improving their health so they can prevent tuberculosis.</p>2019-05-25T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nursing Science Practice, Research and Advancements (e-ISSN: 2582-7847)