A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Sample Collection Safety Measures Among 2nd Year B.Sc. Nursing Students at Selected Nursing Colleges at Wayanad


  • Liya Mary Simon
  • Manu Joby
  • Mariya Sunny
  • Minnah Siddique
  • Mohammed Shameem K P
  • Shyni J.R
  • Nimmi Peter
  • Linta Thomas
  • Ramudevi C


Knowledge, Safety measures, Sample collection, Structured teaching programme, B.Sc. Nursing Students


The present study aimed to improve the knowledge regarding sample collection safety measures among 2nd-year B.Sc. nursing students through a structured teaching programme. The objectives of the study were to assess the pre-existing knowledge regarding sample collection safety measures among 2nd year B.Sc. Nursing students, to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding sample collection safety measures among 2nd-year B.Sc. nursing students, to find out the association between the pre-test knowledge score regarding sample collection safety measures with selected demographic variables. One group pretest and post-test research design and convenience sampling techniques were used in this study. The sample size was 50. The self-administered questionnaire is used to assess the knowledge. Data were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics and the study revealed that 90% have average knowledge, 8% have poor knowledge, and 2% have excellent knowledge. There is a significant difference between the mean pre-test and post-test knowledge scores and the structured teaching programme regarding sample collection safety measures is effective among 2nd year BSc nursing students. There is a significant association present between the type of sample collected during their previous clinical posting and their level of knowledge.

