Study of Adolescent Girls Studying at College of Chamarajanagara District Regarding Knowledge of Polycystic Ovarian Disease with a View to Developing Education Programs
Adolescent girls, Demographic proforma, Education programs, Level of knowledge, Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)Abstract
Objective: Assess the Knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian disease in adolescent college girls of Chamarajanagar district. Methodology: Questionnaire on demographic proforma. Knowledge about PCOD was used to collect the data. An explorative descriptive method has been adopted and 150 adolescent Girls are selected for the study using a simple random sampling technique. Results: the data shows that the majority of the adolescent in the age group between 17-18(70%) years, the majority of adolescents were Hindu103 (85.8), the majority of adolescents 108 (90%) are in a nuclear family and occupation of the mother was House wife52 (43.3%), most of adolescent girls family income was 10000 48(40%) most of adolescent girls get information from Mass media 110 (91.6%). Among 120 participants 48 (40%) of participants had good knowledge, 32(27%) of participants had average knowledge and 40(33%) of the participants had inadequate knowledge regarding PCOD. Conclusion: Most adolescent girls have inadequate knowledge regarding PCOD.