To Assess the Knowledge Regarding Internet Addiction among Early Adults (18-25 Years) At College VGC Mandi (H.P)
Adults, Internet addiction, Knowledge, Mental health, Social mediaAbstract
Internet use is one of the most important tools of our present-day society whose impact is felt on college students such as increased use of internet. It brings a change in mood, an inability to control the amount of time spent on the internet, withdrawal symptoms when not engaged, a diminishing consequence, and it also affects the self-esteem of the students. RESULT: 51.0 had very good knowledge, 20.0 had good knowledge, 21.0 had average knowledge and 8.0 had poor knowledge regarding internet addiction. Aim: The aims to assess the level of knowledge regarding internet addiction among early adults (18-25 years) at college VGC Mandi (H.P). Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding internet addiction among early adults 18-25 years at college VGC Mandi (H.P) (2) To assess the level of internet addiction among adults (18-25) years at College Mandi (H.P). Methodology: Non-probability purposive sampling technique method. Results: 51.0 had very good knowledge, 20.0 had good knowledge, 21.0 had average knowledge and 8.0 had poor knowledge regarding internet addiction.