Polluted Delhi: A Step towards Combating Air Pollution


  • Jaya Pradha Dhandapani
  • Venkateshvaran P


Air pollution, Delhi, Health and Environment


Pollution is a major issue of frustration in not only the India but across the world. Different chemical substances are damaging to the environment and can cause major health problems. Children, the elderly, and persons with heart and lung illnesses are the most vulnerable. Mechanical sanitation within a property can potentially harm the environment, putting people's lives in jeopardy. According to a study published in the Lancet, 12.5% of total deaths in India may be attributed to air pollution. Pollution is really what comes out of automotive smokestacks, hut chimneys, industries, and electric utilities, as well as rubbish expulsions, resulting in dust re-suspension. This is frequently quantified and represented in terms of grams of pollution generated per km of motor vehicles, gram of pollutants emitted per kilo of fuel burned, or occasionally gram of pollutant emitted each hour. Heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory disorders like emphysema are all long-term impacts of air pollution. Nerves, the brain, the kidneys, the liver, and other organs can all be affected. Because of air pollution, animals, vegetation, and the entire environment are at risk. Smog and haze are both observable forms of air pollution that obscure patterns and colours. Sound can be muffled by hazy air pollution. The surface of bodies of water and land can be damaged by air pollution. This can harm or improve the efficiency of crops. Mobile enforcement teams are stationed at multiple websites to keep an eye on polluting vehicles and those without PUC credentials. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) sets clear rules for individuals to obey in necessary to defend oneself toward pollution and smog's harmful effects. There will be more to come. Any such crisis could recur if Delhi does not take sufficient steps to eliminate pollution. A similar place to that will develop in these other cities as well. Planting many woods and restoring the vegetation spaces is the greatest way to combat pollution. Use ecologically responsible gasoline in both the automobile and your kitchen.

