A Study to Assess the Satisfaction Among Students at Nehru College of Nursing in Palakkad


  • Tamil Selvi


Satisfaction survey form


Satisfaction has been well researched in the literature. It has been regarded as the fundamental determinant of long-term consumer behaviour: Statement of the problem: a study to assess the satisfaction among students at Nehru college of nursing in Palakaad. Objective: To assess the satisfaction of students in Nehru College of nursing. Methods: In this study quantitative non experimental approach and analytical cross sectional designs were used. Student’s satisfaction survey questionnaires were used and the samples were selected by nonprobability convenient sampling technique. Result: All students were participated in the study and they were satisfied. Discussion: Minute numbers of recommendations were notified about food services, sports, recreational activities. Conclusion: the findings of the study revealed that all students were satisfied about the college system and found the minute recommendations to solve for future entity.




