To Assess the Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) on Health Behaviour of Adolescence with Smartphone Addiction in Selected School at Kanyakumari District
Adolescence, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Smartphone Addiction, Health BehaviourAbstract
Background of the study: In India, large number of adolescents are vastly addicted to the adverse effects of uncontrollability of Smartphone use. This new type of addiction encounters social, psychological and health behaviour problems in schools and homes and had an impact in their daily activities. Hence it is the time of researchers to implement some relaxation techniques, to restore from this compulsive behaviour. Aim of the study: To assess the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) on health behaviour of adolescence with Smartphone addiction in selected school at Kanyakumari district. Methods: One group pre-testpost-test pre experimental design was used for this study. 33 adolescents with Smartphone addiction are selected as samples using purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted in Abraham Memorial Higher Secondary School, Maruthancode. Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique is practiced as an intervention for the study. Pilot Study was conducted to find out the feasibility of the study. Results: Health behaviour of adolescents was assessed using both externalizing behaviour tool and internalizing behaviour tool in pre-tests and post-tests’. The effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation among health behaviour of adolescents with Smartphone addiction was statistically very highly significant (P<0.001).There is no significant association between the level of health behaviour and the demographic variables such as age, gender at (P=1.00), religion, area of living, type of family, income of family, interest in Smartphone and average time of using Smartphone, at (P>0.05).Conclusion: Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique has more favourable effect on improving positive health behaviours of adolescence with Smartphone addiction.