Image Series: Morphological Changes in Diabetic Foot


  • Gurmeet Singh Sarla


Claw toes, hallux valgus, hammer toes, valgus deformity, varus deformity


Foot disease affects a number of people with diabetes mellitus and may present as clawing of toes, hallux valgus, hammer toes, valgus and varus deformities. These toe deformities are a result of an imbalance between the extrinsic and intrinsic foot muscles upsetting the fragile harmony among flexors and extensors of the toes causing foot and toe ulcers. Diabetic neuropathy is the underlying pathology behind these morphological changes in diabetic foot. These morphological changes affecting foot and toes predispose the foot to ulcers, infection, gangrene and amputation. This image series shows various morphological changes of foot and toes in patients with long standing diabetes mellitus leading to different foot and toe deformities. Patient education about foot care and footwear is of utmost importance to forestall complications and improved personal satisfaction of the patients experiencing diabetic foot and toe deformities. Improper footwear is the most widely recognized cause of trauma and patients with diabetes ought to be taught regarding usage of appropriate footwear.




