Experiences of Nursing Officers Regarding covid 19 Vaccination


  • Ramaprasad S. Nurse Master Trainer, Nipuna Skills Lab, Mother and Children Hospital, Gowribidanuru, Karnataka
  • Kowsalya .


Covid 19, Vaccination, Side Effects, Experiences, Nursing Officers


Corona virus is identified as one of the deadliest pandemic faced by the humans in recent decades. Corona or covid 19 disease killed more than 10 lakhs peoples all over the world and affect all age groups from newborn to old age with no co morbidity to different co morbid population. Scientists from different corners of the world succeeded in developing vaccination for the corona 19 disease and most of the nations administered those vaccinations to their citizens to fight against the deadliest disease. The vaccination was successful with very mild to moderate unpleasant experiences among the vaccinated people. Materials and Methods: A non-experimental descriptive survey research was adopted in this study. 62 Nursing officers responded to the survey. Data was collected by using tools consist of two major sections. The 5 points rating scale was used to assess the experiences of staff nurses regarding the post covid 19 vaccination. Results: The result of the study was analyzed and summarized based on the statistics required for the study. Frequency and percentage distribution of the samples based on the socio demographic data, Percentage distribution of the samples based on rating scale, Association of rating scale with selected demographical variables. Based on the rating scale the experiences were recorded that 31 samples out of 62 samples expressed that they had developed moderate to very severe form of pain at the injected site, among 62 samples 28 samples expressed that they had moderated to severe fever, total of 43 samples experienced moderate to very severe form of head ache, 30 samples experienced body ache due to covid 19 vaccination. Conclusion: The corona vaccination found to be safe and success in preventing the hazardous effects from disease. The common side effects such as head ache, mild to moderate fever, body ache, and loss of taste are commonly experienced by the nursing officers. These are self-limiting and most of the samples can back to their normal daily activities within day or two.




