The More You Use, The Less You Live...Should We Ban Energy Drinks?
Caffeine (trimethylxanthine), energy drinks, ill effects, taurineAbstract
In this modern life, people have more commitments and workloads than the time they have for themselves. Hence, they tend to opt for the easy way out by consuming energy drinks as it gives them the satisfaction of taking in nutrition’s on d go. Large consumption of these has been found to have serious ill health effects that need to be accounted soon. Long term adverse effects outweigh their advantages. People at all age groups are affected equally by these adverse effects but adolescents and young adults are the target population for the market of these energy drinks corporate. Though cessation of the developed habit cannot be cut down all at once in such elaborate population as in India, creating awareness and limiting these energy drinks consumption among the small children and youth of our country is a concern that needs to be acted upon as early as possible.