A Comparative Study on the Effect of Digitalization Versus Live Demonstration on Normal Delivery Skill Among B.Sc Nursing Students of Selected College of Nursing in Kolkata, West Bengal
Digitalization, Normal Delivery SkillAbstract
The investigator conducted a study to compare the Digitalization versus Live Demonstration on Normal Delivery Skill among B.Sc Nursing Students of Selected Nursing Colleges, Kolkata, West Bengal. Setting was in College of Nursing, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata. The conceptual framework used was Ludwig Von Bertalanffy System Model. Experimental study with two group Pre - test and Post - test design was adopted. The participants were 28 fourth year B.Sc Nursing Students who were selected by random sampling method. A valid reliable tool for structured interview schedule (inter-ratter r=1) and observation checklist (Chronback’s alfa=0.72) was used for data collection. Mean difference, SD, SEMD & t value of Pre- test and Post-test practice score of digitalization group were (51.5, 56.6), 5.1, 4.2, 1.16, 4.25(t df(13)=2.16. p<0.05, significant) respectively. Mean difference, SD, SEMD & t value of Pre- test and Post- test practice score of live demonstration group were (54.3, 66.1), 11.8, 5.3, 1.47, 7.86(t df(13)=2.16. p<0.05, significant) respectively. The Live demonstration was effective in terms of gain in skill on normal delivery which was evident from ‘t’ value, t=4.32 (t df(26)=2.06. p<0.05, significant). Live demonstration was more effective than digitalization teaching method on normal delivery skill. The study has implications in the field of nursing education and practice by continuing education towards skill birth attendant. In Nursing Administration, in service training among the staffs to create awareness and positive attitude toward skill of conduction of delivery as a result reduce the MMR and IMR. For generalizations of the result, the study could be repeated on a large sample and different interventions like self-instructional module etc to create more effectiveness among participants regarding normal delivery.