A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Balloon Blowing on Respiratory Signs among Children with Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Ashwin Hospital Coimbatore
Balloon blowing, Respiratory signs, Children, Lower respiratory tract infectionAbstract
A quasi experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of balloon blowing on respiratory signs among children with lower respiratory tract infection in selected Ashwin hospital Coimbatore District. Quasiexperimental, Nonequivalent pre-test posttest control group design was adopted and the study was conducted among children with lower respiratory tract infection between the age group of 4 and 10 years in Ashwin Hospital, Coimbatore District. Convenience sampling was used to select 50 samples, 25 were selected as experimental group and 25 were selected as control group. Observational checklist was used to measure the respiratory signs prepared by the researcher. Balloon blowing exercise was administered for the experimental group 2 times a day for 3 days. The data gathered was analyzed by descriptive and lottery method and interpretations were made based on the objectives of the study. During the pre-test in the experimental population 21(70%) had mild respiratory distress and 9(30%) had moderate respiratory distress. In control group, 15(50%) had mild respiratory distress and 15(50%) had moderate respiratory distress. During the post test, in experimental group 17(68%) had no respiratory distress and 8(32%) had mild respiratory distress. In control group, 15(60%) had no respiratory distress and 7(28%) had mild respiratory distress and 3(12%) had moderate respiratory distress. The estimated paired t value of respiratory distress among children (24.3*) which is significant at p<0.05. It shows balloon blowing exercise was effective in reducing respiratory distress. Hence the hypothesis (H1) is accepted. The estimated unpaired t value was (0.35) which is non significant at p<0.005. It shows the significant difference in the post- test level of respiratory signs among children in experimental group and control group. The study concluded that balloon blowing exercise was helpful to improve lung function.