Free Space Optics Technology: A Brief Insight
Bandwidth, Battle space, Commercial sector, Connectivity, Optical communication, RadiofrequencyAbstract
Over the past few decades, warfare has seen a significant transformation as the modern military has adopted concepts like "collect once, utilize many times" for ISR, C4ISTAR, and planning in battles when ISTAR overmatch and air supremacy are guaranteed. To quickly gain a military advantage, we will need to adjust our tactics and adopt new technologies as the enemy's capacity to direction-find and intercept evolves and improves. Free Space Optical Communications (FSOC), a technology with commercial roots, promises actual innovation, according to QinetiQ, and will enable measurably greater military capacity. To give an information edge in the modern battle space, unprecedented levels of bandwidth and connectivity are needed. All of the Air, Maritime, Land, and Space domains have the same connectivity and bandwidth needs. However, relying on Radio Frequency (RF) communication has a problem inherently; by its very nature, it is susceptible to being detected and intercepted. In a highly contested and congested battle space, sole reliance upon RF communication presents an adversary with a highly promising attack vector; offering the opportunity to jam or intercept critical communications links or to direction-find and engage our forces via kinetic means.