Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Using Heuristic Optimization Techniques
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Clustering-based Heuristic Optimization (CHO), Clustering, Data Dissemination, Optimization TechniquesAbstract
Communication between vehicles is a difficult undertaking due to the restricted data transmission of the remote interface, dynamic geography, much of the time disengaged networks. Clustering is viewed as one of the potential answers for accomplishing compelling correspondence in VANETs; this exploration proposes a Clustering-based Heuristic Optimization (CHO) strategy for VANETs. The proposed CHO protocol is used to form optimized clusters for robust communication. Cluster head (CH) selection depends upon the fuzzy logic method by selecting parameters like connectivity levels, lane weighting, direction, and speeds of vehicles. Based on a fitness function, these parameters are utilized to choose the optimal route between sender and receiver. The NS2 stage is utilized to carry out the proposed work then it is stood out from past methods like Ant Colony Optimization calculation (ACO) and Improved Whale Optimization calculation (IWOA) individually. Significantly, the CHO enhances the packet delivery ratio, throughput and comparatively reduces overhead than other routing protocols.