Simulation of a Step Response of the Discrete time System Used for Signal Processing Applications


  • T. C. Manjunath
  • Kavitha S. Guddad
  • Kumar P
  • Pavithra G


Excitation, Input, Output, Response, Result, Simulation, Step


In this exploration paper, we compose a calculation to get the progression reaction of various kinds of frameworks, say, an under-damped framework, an undamped framework, a fundamentally damped framework and an over damped framework. In this article, we give a short foundation with respect to how to acquire the progression reaction of a framework portrayed by a given contrast condition. We as a whole realize that the distinction condition is a condition which gives the data and the connection between the information and the yield of a discrete time framework. This distinction condition gives the info yield relationship of a DT framework in the discrete time space. From the distinction condition of the framework, we get the progression reaction. The recreation results show the adequacy of the procedure that is being proposed.




