Software Implementation of WSNs for an RT Fault Tolerant with Minimal Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol Development Avoiding Void Nodes using Network Simulator


  • Hanumanthappa S. N
  • Girish V. Attimarad


Attacker, Authentication, Aquatic, Base Station, Cooperative Communication, Cryptography, Distribution, Dynamic, Energy, Industrial wireless sensor networks, Key, Message Authentication Code Protocol, Machine condition monitoring, Medium access control, Management, Node, Network, Security, NS2, Packets, Relay, Router, Routing, Simulation, Static, Sensor, Sink, Source, WSN


This paper is related to the design & development of a cooperative-based routing protocol by avoiding void nodes for an underwater WSN cloud application (uWSNCA) with minimal energy, i.e., first step is to avoid a void node by using some adaptive hop by hop vector method & then to apply a cooperative rule-based adaptive hop by hop vector method so that the algorithm becomes a hybrid one & efficient compared to the work done by others (watch-dog). In other words, it can be enunciated as follows. The research is related to the design and development of the concepts relating to the energy-efficient distributed cooperative routing protocol for wireless sensor networks, which is achieved for a cooperation-based WSN by avoiding the void nodes & proposing an energy-efficient underwater wireless sensor network routing protocol for a cloud application problem by using cooperation-based adaptive hop-by-hop vector-based forwarding concepts with the sensor nodes forwarding the data packets in multi-hop fashion within a virtual pipeline. In the algo developed for an underwater application problem of the WSN cloud, the data packets are forwarded in a multi-hop manner in a virtual pipelining mechanism. As several sensor nodes are laying outside the virtual pipeline, such nodes are not used to forward the data packets as flooding in the cooperative WSN can be avoided to a greater extent. The forwarding of the data packets towards the void area in the WSN can be prevented by using 2-hop information at each hop. When this concept is used, the result would give rise to an improvised performance of the wireless sensor network in terms of the various performance criteria of the network compared to some of the routing protocols which are available in the current scenario of the WSN. NS2 is used as the simulation tool to observe the simulation results of how the energy packets are transferred from the source to the sink. Even if the fault or the attacking node effect is seen, the algorithm is developed in such a way that the fault is neutralized and efficient data transfer takes place. The simulation results show the effectivity of the methodology that is being proposed by us.




