An Oximeter Powered by NodeMCU and MAX30102 for the Internet of Things at a Low Price


  • Kartik Ingole Karmaveer Dadasaheb Kannamwar College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra


Node-MCU, Web server, Web browser, Pulse oximeter, Saturation of Peripheral Oxygen (SpO2)


Using a Node-MCU ESP-32, this article discusses the building of a web server that is built on Node-MCU to monitor heart rate and SpO2. To create a web server, a Node-MCU and a pulse oximetry sensor were used, in addition to some passive components. The subject just places their finger over the sensor module to get the data. Processing sensor data and looking up the IP address of the Node–MCU board have both been programmed into the code that has been built. UART bus is used to establish a serial connection between the Node MCU ESP-32 and the laptop or PC. The IP address of the web server must be entered into the browser to access it. The findings indicated that the web server functioned dependably and following the pulse oximeter's specifications. The system that has been created has the benefits of having a low cost, having a low complexity level, and having low power consumption. It is possible to update it so that it can monitor other biological parameters, environmental parameters, and industrial parameters.

Author Biography

Kartik Ingole, Karmaveer Dadasaheb Kannamwar College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra

Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering




