A Visual Cryptography Method for the Recovery of Confidential Images


  • Rahul Burange Karmaveer Dadasaheb Kannamwar College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra


Multimedia system, Sharing scheme, Stacking technology, Steganography, Visual cryptography


This research proposes a novel Visual Cryptography (VC) method designed for the secure recovery of confidential images. Visual Cryptography is a cryptographic technique that enables the encryption of visual information in such a way that decryption can be performed visually without complex computations. The proposed method combines the principles of Visual Cryptography with advanced image recovery techniques, providing a robust and visually intuitive solution for the protection and retrieval of sensitive visual data. The message will encrypt and then be hidden as an image file on a multimedia system. So we may employ Cryptography since this can turn the communication into an unreadable text. Both of these safeguard the otherwise insecure route of communication. Technologies based on cryptography provide a very safe system. Visual cryptographic steganography is a data-hiding method that combines elements of cryptography and stenography. When a secret picture is encoded into transparencies, visual cryptography (VC) is a (t, n) secret stacking of t-1any transparencies that discloses the sharing scheme. Secret information of any kind may be extracted using stacking technology. There are two clear uses for this. You may utilize the random pixels from one of these photos, while the other conceals important information. It's impossible to decipher the photos and get the hidden information.

Author Biography

Rahul Burange, Karmaveer Dadasaheb Kannamwar College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra

Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering




