E-Commerce Website Hosting Using AWS Cloud Services


  • B. T. Krishna Reddy
  • M. Harish
  • P. Hemanth Kumar
  • K. Aashish
  • Dr. N. Ramamurthy


AWS Services, ASG, ALB, Autoscaling, Cloud Computing, E-com Website Hosting, EC2, Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Route 53


The primary extent of this task is to comprehend how to best use different distributed computing administrations to get great execution for less expense. Amazon surrenders a marvelous arrangement of web helps that enables fashioners to make dynamic and generous applications. Conveying on AWS can save you time, money and work diverged from building and staying aware of additional customary frameworks. Amazon Web Services offers a wide plan of overall cloud-based things including process, limit, informational collections, assessment, coordinating, flexible, engineer gadgets, the board contraptions, IoT, security, and try applications: on- demand, open quite promptly, with pay-all the more just as expenses emerge esteeming. From data warehousing to association instruments, lists to content transport, more than 200 AWS organizations are available. New organizations can be provisioned quickly, without the blunt capital expense. Today, AWS gives a significantly trustworthy, flexible, negligible cost establishment stage in the cloud that controls a colossal number of associations in 190 countries all over the planet. This licenses adventures, new organizations, little and medium-sized associations and clients in the public region to get to the construction blocks they need to answer quickly to changing business essentials. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), IAM (Identity And Access Management), Cloud Watch, CDN (Content Delivery Network) and Route 53 are used here since it is very popular in giving extraordinary disseminated figuring organizations. In this report, I'll tell you, step by step, through the procedure of using the AWS Marketplace to game plan and produce another AWS Cloud server. In this task we furthermore used progression gadgets like GIT and Jenkins for robotization.




