Impact of Environmental and Social Attitude towards Sustainable Tourism on Resident's Satisfaction: Moderating Role of Gender


  • Kartik Sehgal


Environmental attitude, Resident satisfaction, Social attitude, Sustainable tourism, Tourism


This research intends to fill this void by determining the influence that residents' environmental and social attitudes have on the success of local, sustainable tourism initiatives, as well as by investigating how the correlations between these elements and gender can be altered to produce alternative results. By taking into account the circumstances that are unique to Jammu and Kashmir, the objective of this research is to provide a nuanced knowledge of gender-responsive policymaking and to contribute to the construction of living environments that are both sustainable and welcoming to people of all backgrounds. Taking into account Jammu and Kashmir's one-of-a-kind geographical characteristics is the key to achieving this goal. According to the data that are shown in the table that is located above, the level of satisfaction experienced by a resident is positively impacted not only by their social attitude but also by their environmental attitude regarding sustainable tourism. The findings indicate that gender has a moderating role in the relationship between social and environmental attitudes regarding sustainable tourism and residents' satisfaction levels.

