Recent Trends in Data Mining and Business Forecasting
<p>It is a peer reviewed journal which provides a platform which embraces articles related to data mining and methods. This journal also focus on past, present and future condition of economy. It provides a forum for researcher to present their work. Focus and Scope includes economy, data mining, financial and budget forecasting, graph mining, web mining, and multimedia data mining, e-forecasting, marketing intelligence.</p>en-USRecent Trends in Data Mining and Business ForecastingSocial Business Revisited: Altruistic Temptation or Make-Believe Philosophy?
<p>Different People define social business in different ways. However, social marketing is just simply an incomplete and inefficient endeavor to enhance or to contribute to social welfare. Whether we talk about social marketing or social business, we are then talking, we are then talking about the buying and consuming of social buying/shopping of social products. Social products are those tangible and intangible outcomes of human efforts that can satisfy some basic human needs and thereby contribute to social welfare. But due to market imperfections, unawareness of the potential consumers about the utilities of the products involved, or the lack of purchasing power of the consumers, the demands for these products are less than what they should be to reasonably enhance the social welfare with a positive spillover effect. That is why, Socrates believed that individuals always should not opt for personal profit in exchange transactions, rather in some cases/situations, they should consider only the welfare of others. We may call it a humanitarian quality and/or an act out of temptation or spiritual weakness. This paper attempts to graphically explain the concept of social business, the process of behavior changes of the consumers, as well as a complete definition of social business in the context of present days.</p>S. M. Ikhtiar Alam
Copyright (c) 2024 Recent Trends in Data Mining and Business Forecasting
2021-11-292021-11-293340A Study on the Behaviour of Investors and their Risk-Return Perception with Special Reference to Salem City
<p>This project coins about The Indian investment market. Investment is actually an asset that's created to permit money to grow. The wealth created can be used for a variety of objectives such as situations. Investing would be different things to different people. While investing for a few people mean fixing money to realize a profit, for a few others it also can mean investing time or effort for a few future benefits like investing in one self’s skills or health. Investment helps to channel household savings to the corporate sector, which is utilized to develop the industrial and service sectors and their own use. Today, investors have several options of investment with different peculiarities matching their needs. The funds allocated by the investors to various investment avenues depend largely on the investment objectives perceived by them. Investment examination has become essential for any retail investor. The success of investments is totally dependent on the satisfaction of the investors during the post-investment period and investors’ confidence. The uncertainty of expected return may be a vital part of the investment option. The variations in returns from the expectations of the investors cause risk and therefore the subjective analysis of varied attributes helps for the avoidance of the danger. Theoretically, risk and return go hand in hand, i.e., the upper the danger, the more the return. However, the risk-return knowledge of the investors on different investments might be differing from each other. In this paper, an attempt is made to study the investors’ perception of risk-return of investment and to find the investor's investment pattern.</p>T. Kumarasamy
Copyright (c) 2024 Recent Trends in Data Mining and Business Forecasting
2021-10-142021-10-141623A Literature Review: Contribution made by Lean Green towards the Productivity Improvement of the Business
<p>Application: Productivity is considered as the measurement of the organizational performance in the viewpoint of the utilization of its resources. Therefore, many organizations make an attempt to improve their productivity by applying many different business strategies, but many are futile to achieve the desired goals due to the overlapping of different aspects. Lean Manufacturing system which is integrated with Green concept called “Green Lean (GL)”is focused on the best organizational performance as well as the minimizing environmental impact caused by business operations. This concept helps to the productivity development in different aspects of the business without overlapping environmental aspects issues and the productivity aspects issues. Purpose: The objective of this research paper is to review the existing literature on how the concept of “Green Lean” makes a significant Contribution towards the improvement of productivity in the business. Approach: This study is qualitative in nature which considered existing peer reviewed research papers related to the Green Lean concept application Published in google scholar and other reputed Journals. The contents analysis method is used as the analysis method of the study. Findings: The analysis data revealed that the Green Lean Concept will significantly contribute to the improvement of Productivity in the viewpoint of three aspects such as Technical Productivity, Social Productivity, and Greener productivity. Technical productivity is improved under the Green Lean concept in the form of improving efficiency and the effectiveness of the business activities. It acts as the problem-solving tool, value and wealth generation strategy, production cost reduction method which are focused on technical productivity improvement. Social productivity is improved under the Green Lean concept in the foam of sharing goals among office mates, Team participation, workforce Management, Family ties. Greener productivity is improved under Green Lean concept in the foam of one of the waste reduction strategies in the businesses. It will contribute to the Improvement of the Technical productivity as well.</p>Prof. T. Sudath Manjula AmarasenaR.A.S.A Perera
Copyright (c) 2024 Recent Trends in Data Mining and Business Forecasting
2021-12-182021-12-184150Portfolio Performance and Risk Penalty Measurement with Differential Return
<p>In very recent times, some investment companies are using the Differential Return Approach to measure the performance of various individual risky assets as well as portfolio performance compared to a benchmark return. This approach of differential return was proposed by Simpson (2014). The differential return of a portfolio is simply the difference between its risk-adjusted return and that of another portfolio known as the benchmark/reference return. Risk-adjusted excess return of a portfolio can be obtained by dividing the observed return by its level of risk, such as . The equation proposed by Simpson to derive this risk-adjusted excess return can be based on Treynor Index or Sharpe Index (or even Jenson depending on how an investor wants to measure the risk associated with an asset or a portfolio, denoted by . However, the formulation of Simpson subtract risk-free rate which is not on the basis of any mathematical logic. In addition, it does not take into account the efficiency of the differential returns. The present study elaborates the formulation of Simpson and then adjust the differential return by using relative risks of the portfolio and the benchmark return. Finally the study using the relative risk ratio determines the equilibrium efficient differential return of a portfolio compared to a benchmark return.</p>S. M. Ikhtiar Alam
Copyright (c) 2024 Recent Trends in Data Mining and Business Forecasting
2021-11-012021-11-012432Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction of Filipino Public High School Teachers: A Correlational Study
<p>This descriptive correlational study aimed to determine the relationship of self-esteem, self-efficacy and job satisfaction among Filipino Public High School Teachers. This study hoped to improve the quality of education and enhance the wellness of teachers in the country. This particular study used the Self Determination theory of Albert Bandura. A total of 100 public high school teachers, who were selected using a purposive sampling procedure, participated in the study. In the study, the majority of the participants were females. Their average age is 27, who happen to be in the early adulthood stage. Their average length of service is almost 2 years. Rosenberg Self-Esteem, General Self-efficacy and Job Satisfaction were the scales used to obtain the desired results. To get access to the list of teachers, a request was sent online to the department of education in the province where informed consent and the questionnaire were attached for evaluation. Ethical considerations such as roles of researcher and participants, risks and benefits of participation were discussed. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyse the data. Results showed that public high school teachers have high self-esteem, self-efficacy and job satisfaction. Also, there was a significant sex difference in self-esteem and job satisfaction. Furthermore, there was no significant relationship between the following: 1) self-esteem and job satisfaction; 2) self-efficacy and job satisfaction; 3) self-esteem and self-efficacy. Therefore, there is a need for further studies about the wellbeing of the teachers. Specifically, it is suggested that the number of participants must be increased, a more culturally sensitive theory and instrument must be utilized, more appropriate sampling procedures must be employed, job satisfaction of public and private must be compared and explored, and other psychological related variables that can increase or enhance job satisfaction must be examined.</p>Rosel V. SantiagoJan Vincent P. Abella
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