Journal of Advancement in Machines (e-ISSN: 2582-2233) <p><strong>JOAM</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal in the discipline of Engineering published by the MAT Journals Pvt. Ltd. The Journal provides a platform to Researchers, Academicians, Scholars, Professionals, and students in the Domain of Mechanical Engineering to promulgate their Research/Review/Case studies in the field of Machines. The Journal aims to promote high-quality empirical Research, Review articles, case studies and short communications mainly focused on Electrical Machines, Electronic Machine, Active Electrical Components, Vacuum Tubes Computing Machines, Molecular Machines, Mechanisms of Machines, IC Engine, Programmable Logic Controller, Mechanisms, Controllers in Machines, Instrumentation and Manufacturing Engineering, Technology, or Processes.</p> en-US Journal of Advancement in Machines (e-ISSN: 2582-2233) A Case Study on Feasibility Of Electrostatic Precipitator In Naval Singh Sahakari Shakkar Karkhana Maryadit Navalnagar Ziri Burhanpur <p>This dissertation work is based on the case study on Naval Singh Sahakari Shakkar Karkhana (NSSK) Burhanpur M.P. It is a leading sugar industry in India situated in Ziri district Burhanpur. Sugar industry plays a leading role in Indian economic structure and very especially it is connected with agriculture sector. The plant (NSSK) is having their separate power development or generating and sugar cane crushing units. The Flue gases which are disposing from the chimney filter by wet type vertical mechanical dust collector, but it is observed that present arrangement i.e. mechanical dust collector is not working well. The unburned and ash particles are polluting the atmosphere. The present report is based on the elimination of the mechanical dust collector and design and implementations of Electro Static Precipitator.</p> Pratik Maheshwari Sagar Gupta Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advancement in Machines (e-ISSN: 2582-2233) 2016-11-19 2016-11-19 1 3 27 37 Design and Analysis of Helical Gear with Involute Profile <p>On this study helical riggings can be utilized to transmit wide vitality between two parallel shafts. However in goad readies the engagement between two cross stage teeth is shocking line contact over entire face width which result in time of change and greater part stack. In helical riggings the engagement between two pass area teeth begins with variable contact and directed raises corner to niche close by the mechanical meeting tooth floor, acknowledging calm operation. Subsequently as a rule goad mechanical gatherings are utilized for low pace force transmission and helical riggings are loved for fast. So over the top torques can likewise be transmitted by method for the helical mechanical meeting, and the brilliant format is done by utilizing uneasiness examination.In this study a helical gear designed in the Pro-E and the analysis is done in the ANSYS software. This study includes a Finite Elemental Method (FEM) structural analysis which studies the generation of the principal stresses, Von Mises stresses, and Shear stress, Principal strains on the application of the high intensity of the pressure on the gear tooth face which tends to deform and also to fail the gear. The ultimate strength and the optimum designed load through conventional calculations for the helical gear is tested by checking the maximum and minimum stress, strain generation in the respective axis and planes for the loading of the gear.</p> Kunu Abhishake Babu Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advancement in Machines (e-ISSN: 2582-2233) 2016-09-19 2016-09-19 1 3 1 21 Analysis of crack growth rate along a vibrating cantilever beam <p>Utilizing accelerometer, estimations of variables V, B, F, and D were watched for a vibrating cantilever bar. Information were recorded for frequencies 60 Hz, 80 Hz, 100 Hz, and 120 Hz at different altering length 400 mm, 350 mm also, 300 mm. Considering, break development rate as an extra variable, a scientific model was created utilizing dimensional investigation and computed estimations of G were plotted to watch break development rate along the shaft for diverse settling length. Plots were contrasted and dissected with discover the impact of progress of altering length at each recurrence for assurance of split development rate along shaft from free end to altered end.</p> Ashraf khan Namrata kumari Gaurav chauhan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advancement in Machines (e-ISSN: 2582-2233) 2016-10-18 2016-10-18 1 3 22 26