Arduino Based Wireless Solar Panel Cleaning Robot


  • Shilpa Kodgire
  • Pushpak Jejurkar
  • Hrishikesh Bhoye
  • Rishabh Alkonda


Cleaning system, Module, Power generation, Robot, Solar panels


Globally, there is more than enough solar radiation to meet the demand for solar power systems. The demand for their upkeep and cleaning has grown along with the usage of this technology. Generally speaking, solar panels are self-cleaning, but in very dry environments or places where panel tilt is minimal, dirt, dust, and industrial residues collect over time and can significantly reduce efficiency. They may also have an impact on the panel's substance. Solar panels will not be able to receive solar energy if dust particles accumulate on them; as a result, overall power generation is reduced. The power output is reduced by up to 50%, after a month of not cleaning the module. Using an automatic cleaning system, the dust on the solar panel can be regularly removed. In this paper, an analysis of the problem is conducted, as well as a discussion of dust removal methods. The entire length of the panel is cleaned by a robot cleaning device. Robot control systems are implemented using PIC microcontrollers. The robot gave an ideal outcome and demonstrated that such a framework is suitable by making mechanical cleaning conceivable, subsequently assisting the sunlight-based charge with keeping up with its proficiency.





Review Paper