Smart Public Toilet System for Saving Water and Electricity


  • Vivek A. Murtadak
  • Sudhir B. Avhad
  • Nikhil M. Nehe
  • Sumit S. Shinde
  • S.S.Gundal


AR33A3, bulb, LM78005, LDR, microcontroller (PIC18F4520), solenoid valve, ultrasonic sensor


In the 21st century, the use of water, as well as electricity, has been increased. Also, in the toilets, people use plenty of water and electricity. To solve this problem, a Smart Public Toilet System for Saving Water and Electricity” using an embedded system platform is designed to reduce the water and to create awareness in the user. So the proposed system introduces an efficient use of water and electricity. In this system when the user enters or not in the toilet, it is sensed by using an ultrasonic sensor by using LDR the light will automatically turn ON. As the user leaves the toilet the light will turn OFF until the next user enters. Also, during the user present in the toilet, the audio clip “Please Save Water” will be played after every 30sec in the regional languages e.g. Marathi, Hindi English. This system will help to create awareness in people of saving water and electricity.




