Use of the Programmable Languages Turbo Basic and C for Simulation of the Behavior of Gas Bubbles in Vibrating Water under Acceleration of Gravity Change on a Computer Screen
Computer modeling of the behavior of gas bubbles in vibrating water during acceleration of the gravity change is important for solving several technical problems related to the needs of space technology (degassing of special fluids and propellants). Computer modeling includes three important elements: a physical model of the behavior of gas bubbles in vibrating water under acceleration of gravity change, the construction of an algorithm for the operation of the model, and the compilation of a program in programmable languages, which transmits to the computer in the form of machine codes of the actions that computer has to be performed by the previously constructed algorithm. The paper presents the use of the programmable languages Turbo Basic and C for simulation of the behavior of gas bubbles in vibrating water under acceleration of gravity change on a computer screen. As a result of the carried out tests on the board of fly lab aircraft IL-76K in the conditions of the short-term regimes of weightlessness the computer simulation of the behavior of gas bubbles in vibrating water under acceleration of gravity change on a computer screen has been proved with high precision.